Friday, September 21, 2012

Follow Us

Follow the seventh graders on Twitter  @SASEagles7! We share updates once a week or so to keep our "tweeps" informed of the goings on at St. Ann. We also follow some interesting things, too. Join us in this new wave of communication. You can even re-tweet us for your "tweeps"!

Happy International Day of Peace!

Today, we celebrated the International Day of Peace by sharing what peace means to us. We created a list of symbols that represent peace around the world. The dove  was the most common symbol brought to our talk. The best part of our discussion was remembering that John, the disciple whom Jesus loved, taught us that peace lies with Jesus. In John 14:27, Jesus says, "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid." Without a doubt, that is my favorite verse from the Bible. It is a reminder that without Jesus there will be no peace.
Still, we will continue to pray for peace for each and every citizen of the world that they may come to know Jesus as we do.

Share the peace of Christ today!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Hail to the Chief

(Do you hear it? It's "Hail to the Chief" playing softly  in the background of your imagination.)

President Abraham Lincoln will be visiting St. Ann School on Monday, October 15th, to speak to us about his time in office and more! He will also be feasting on our Civil War menu as prepared by our students and parents. Seventh grade has been charged with preparing desserts. We are so excited! How can you go wrong with desserts? They are all tasty! Please spend some time with your children researching Civil War era desserts. We want to be authentic. Desserts will be prepared at home under the guise of "Family Fun Time." :) Then, you can bring the goodies with you on the night of the dinner and presentation.

Honest Abe's presentation will begin at 6:30 p.m. immediately following dinner at 5:30 p.m. It is sure to be an enlightening and informative evening. It's a rare opportunity to hear a former president reflect on his life( and even more rare to see a president return from the dead). Don't miss it!

And, send your dessert recipes our way!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Election Connection

Campaign Carl, here again! The election is big talk around St. Ann this week. Who's going to lead our Student Council? Which candidate will be best suited for Treasurer? Thursday afternoon, at an all school assembly, candidates for Student Council Officers addressed our community sharing great ideas for reaching our goal of becoming a Blue Ribbon School of Excellence. The student body had a chance to meet each candidate before making a final vote on Friday. The ballot boxes were stuffed...legally, and the winners were announced before the final bell of the week.

Clare Harney, President
Katherine Zerit – Vice President
Amy Nguyen – Secretary
Jack Wright – Treasurer

Ella Roche and Reid Vinett - 8th Grade Representatives
Olivia Bruck and Dasha Krenson – 7th Grade Representatives
Claire Catignani and Matthew Nelson – 6the Grade Representatives
*Ella Bowles – 5th Grade Representative

*There will be a run-off on Monday between Bella Hutto and Matt Malone!

Student Council has big plans! We are looking forward to visiting our state capital building and watching a legislative session. Afterward, we plan to write a bill to present to our local congressmen. Strong leaders are what we need to help us through the process. Congratulations on a well-run campaign and election! Now, we look ahead to November.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Campaign Corner

Campaign Carl, here! Posters are lining the walls of St. Ann School this week. Students are campaigning to be your Student Council officers and representatives. Clare Harney has promised free drinks at the water fountain. The students are hoping she can follow through on that promise. "Connor Davis for Treasurer" touts his mad math skills. And," Katherine Z for VP" stickers are on the bottoms of most students' shoes. Apparently, candy helps win votes because there are also Jolly Rancher wrappers, Dum Dums, and Smarties lining the hallways, too. The campaigns are gearing up to speak to the student body on Thursday. Keep it here for the latest election coverage.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Welcome to the Family!

Welcome to the family Gus Bullock, Cade Settle, and Collin Scheele! We are so excited to have three new students to add to the seventh grade this year. Each of these fine boys contributes greatly to our classroom. Gus and Collin both play football while Cade is a guitar player. We have enjoyed getting to know them these past four weeks.We know that Cade likes cars...a lot. Collin loves his hoodie. And, Gus is still getting used to us. It's kind of like meeting your cousins from out of state for the first time. We are going to have a great year together and couldn't be more happy to welcome you to our St. Ann family!